
V-Pick The 1980

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The 1980

2.75mm -  1 5/16" tip to tip -  Symmetrical - 

This is what they looked and  felt like back when Vinni first started making V-PICKS. He would draw them onto a piece of  material with a sharpie marker. Then he would cut them out by hand with a Dremel  saw or a hack saw! Then he would take  them to the grinder and get them as close as he could to proper size. 

The Ghost Rim model V-PICKS is an option of manufacture that gives you a wonderful, unique, and very musical  "ghostly whisper" to your pick attack. It can be used to tame down a very aggressive  attack and yet, if you change your technique just a bit, you can get that cool Brian  May, Ed King, Billy Gibbons effect and sound! It can deliver a hush effect much  like a violin bow, or bark like you are using a coin as a plectrum. If you do not like  the chirp a thick pick can sometime make, then the Ghost Rim option is for YOU!  First we take extra time to expertly and masterfully grind the pick. We have this  method down to an art. This is not easy and takes years to learn to do it correctly. So  much care is taken because the pick does not go thru the last stage of flame buffing.  The flame can hide a multitude of sins, so we have to make sure these are precisely  made to our exacting specifications. 


"I first started making picks like this in 1980.  V-PICKS is the FIRST and ORIGINAL company to make this product available to  you. We invented this idea of making picks and we excel above all the rest in doing  so. All of my personal picks have been Ghost Rim or "unbuffed" picks. As the  years went on, I learned how to make picks and techniques changed dramatically.  However, I still have some old friends that ask about those old original picks and are they still around and can I duplicate them again. This is what this V-PICK model is all about. This is the closest I can come to those old picks I made back in the '80s without lopping off a finger. They are very organic feeling, looking and sounding."
